In this article, I learned a lot about John Cage and how he perceives things. He always made his pieces 4’33 long and would not add any instruments or any of his own sounds. Cage believed that there is “no such thing as silence” so he would let the world around him create the noises. I find this very interesting and while reading the article I sat there for a few moments silent and I noticed that I was never able to have complete silence around me. I noticed that there were birds chirping, my neighbors were talking, and that the wind was very harsh which were all making sounds around me. Another thing that I personally noticed from myself is that I talk in my head a lot when it is quiet and all these thoughts go through my head and I was not able to shut the thoughts off. I also thought about how many artists create music and sounds for money or possibly enjoyment of an instrument so I was wondering why Cage would want to create this when he was not using instruments as well as attempting to make money. Cage was never in it for the money though, he did it because he wanted to and I want to take that with me for the future. I should not care about what other people think about my art and how I perceive it but I should care about if what I am doing is giving me enjoyment or not.
Reading Blog #2
Updated: Oct 6, 2022